Twitch Hype Train Trigger Config

Get the goals, difficulty level informations, kickoff threshold and cooldown period for any Twitch Partner or Twitch Affiliate. hyyyypeee

The Twitch Hype Train is a feature that allows viewers to support their favorite streamers by collectively contributing bits and subs / gift subs, which are a form of virtual currency on Twitch.

When a certain threshold of bits and/or subs is reached within a certain time frame, a Hype Train is triggered, and viewers can unlock exclusive emotes and other rewards for their support. It is a fun way to engage and reward the community while also helping the streamer grow their channel.

Hype/Boost Train Config Parser

Get the Train settings from any Twitch Streamer. Start with entering a username.

More about Twitch Hype Trains

Hype Trains are triggered when viewers make a certain amount of Cheers (Events) within a set amount of time (usually 5 minutes).

Events/Contributions that count towards a Hype Train include cheers (using bits), subscription renewals, prime subs, and gift subscriptions via web or mobile.
Cheers of any size will count towards the Hype-o-Meter during the Hype Train. However, you will need a cumulative Cheer of 100 Bits or more to be eligible for an emotes or to kickoff a hype train.

The cooldown period starts after the Hype Train ends.

Possible difficulty level options (5): EASY, MEDIUM, HARD, SUPER HARD, INSANE (SUPER HARD/INSANE = new emote slot(s))

hype train lvl 7

Among old Twitch chatters, they are also known as „scam trains“. Kappa

To learn even more about Hype Train and how to find settings that fit your community, visit the Twitch help pages.

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