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chloee_fitgamerchloee_fitgamer Visit on Twitch (ttv)

Streamer Profile

Chloee_fitgamer is a french speaking, female Twitch Partner Partner. FR

chloee_fitgamer has reached 41.8 k followers (41,841) so far. The Streamer introduces itself with „Bienvenue! Je suis ici pour avoir du fun, créer une ouverture d'esprit et développer sur plusieurs sujets tabous dans le respect! Streameuse depuis Avril 2020, 33 ans et maman de deux enfants. Accro aux humains et à l'entraînement. N'hésitez pas à m'ajouter et venir discuter avec moi! “, and is part of Team Team Quebec.
Updated June 3, 2024.
Language: FR Français (French)
Twitch Status: Partner Partner
Gender: Female
Account created: 4 years, 2 months ago (April 2, 2020)
Account anniversary in 302 days

Streaming Anniversary: May 3, 2020
  • Affili
  • affiliated
Affili 5 year anniversary in 334 days

Partner Anniversary: January 7, 2021
  • verified partnered badge
  • verified
verified partnered badge 4 year anniversary in 218 days

All my social links: Links
Last seen streaming: 6 days, 19 hours ago

Live Screenshots from Twitch Stream

Live Screenshots from Twitch Stream

Recent Activity

2022-12-20 Language changed from Français (French) FR
2021-01-07 has become a Twitch partner
2021-01-07 is no longer a Twitch affiliate


Twitter: @chloeefitgamer

IG (instagram): @chloee_fitgamer

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Legend — Explanation of symbols


The Stream Anniversary refers to the date on which a streamer became an affiliate on Twitch. This milestone represents a significant achievement for the streamer, as it grants them access to various monetization and growth opportunities on the platform. The time may vary depending on the time zone. Our time represents the Coordinated Universal Time (+0), the date in this case may differ by +/- 1 day depending on the streamers timezone.


Twitch Partner Anniversary Date. Partnered at Times UTC+0

Stream Offline Image

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