Streamer Profile

Tsukuytb is a french speaking, Twitch Affiliate Affiliate. FR

Tsukuytb has reached 10.6 k followers (10,645) so far. The Streamer introduces itself with „Bienvenue dans l'équipage ! Ici on est là pour kiffer et innover en faisant pleins de nouveaux concepts ! Je live à 21h (pas encore de planning donc suis moi sur Instagram pour savoir quand je diffuse) .ON VA RETOURNER LE TWITCH GAME IL FAUT QUE TU VOIS ÇA !“ and does not belong to any team.
Updated June 16, 2024.
Twitch Ranking Leaderboard (Worldwide){1}
19,145 past 7 days
20,784 past 14 days
21,164 past 30 days
31,410 past 90 days
Language: FR Français (French)
Twitch Status: Affiliate Affiliate
Account created: 2 years, 2 months ago (March 30, 2022)
Account anniversary in 286 days

Streaming Anniversary:
All my social links: Links
Last seen streaming: 2 days, 17 hours ago

Live Screenshots from Twitch Stream

Live Screenshots from Twitch Stream

Recent Activity

2024-01-07 changed his twitch name from TSUKUytb
2022-10-05 profile pic changed
2022-10-05 changed his twitch name from Tsukuyomi_wb
2022-10-05 changed his twitch login name from tsukuyomi_wb


Twitter: @tsukuytb

IG (instagram): @warren_bdjla

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The rank is based on viewer data from all streamers who were online during the time period and who meet the criteria for the ranking. The list spans from 1 to 200,000 and is updated daily.