Streamer Profile

Ziotubo is a italian speaking, Twitch Partner Partner. IT

ZioTubo has reached 22.2 k followers (22,217) so far. The Streamer introduces itself with „Zio Tubo è un content creator che ti porterà nel mondo dei videogiochi in un modo unico e coinvolgente, con tanto gameplay e divertimento, immergendoti in una vera e propria community fatta di conoscenze, interazione e risate!“ and does not belong to any team.
Updated May 1, 2024.
Language: IT Italiano (Italian)
Twitch Status: Partner Partner
Account created: 5 years, 6 months ago (October 28, 2018)
Account anniversary in 179 days

Streaming Anniversary: ~
Partner Anniversary: May 11, 2022
  • verified partnered badge
  • verified
verified partnered badge 2 year anniversary in 10 days

All my social links: Links
Last seen streaming: 7 months, 1 week ago

Total Bans: 1

Recent Activity

2024-04-17 Banned
[disabled by the streamer himself]
2024-03-27 profile pic changed
2022-05-12 has become a Twitch partner
2022-05-12 is no longer a Twitch affiliate
2022-05-11 has become a Twitch partner
2022-05-11 is no longer a Twitch affiliate


Twitter: @ziotubo1

IG (instagram): @ziotubo.official

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Twitch Partner Anniversary Date. Partnered at Times UTC+0